The Revolution

Posted: February 13, 2011 in Gay, News, Revolution

I have sat here for many years like many people thinking: “Fuck I’m tired of the way this world is going”. Even if you are not one of those that thought this I’m telling you now to start watching the way things are headed. I’m not saying the world is going to end, I’m saying that things are going to change.

People are tired of the ignorance and the close minded idiots of this world. People are heading towards revolting against the biggots and bullies of the world. Look here jackwad your not the big man the playground anymore. You want to say how someones life style is wrong and how because they don’t live in your little box they are a sinner and are horrible and shouldn’t have the same rights you have. Well guess what no one cares what you think or believe. The belief you hold so fucking dear is that of old men that should have died off 100 years ago.

The world is revolting against that way of thinking and if you don’t start changing then you will be taken out the equation of the future. Politicians are idiots and criminals. The fact is people are getting tired of giving all of their hard earned money to a bunch of over privileged arrogant asses that think they are above the laws they make. It is time to stand up and change the way we do business. This country will not survive doing buisness as usual. We are broke and a step away from speaking Chinese.

I don’t know about you but I stood up and defended this country and the rights of all people not just the fucking Christian, or the straight, or the white, or the fucking worthless politician, EVERYONE so how about everyone back the ones that are different because now a days there is more of us openminded revolutionaries just waiting for the chance to remove you from the stage.

Hey this is just how I see it I could be wrong but maybe I’m not.

Happy Pot

Posted: May 26, 2010 in Gay, Pot, Stupid Comments
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I work in place where you will not find what you call open-minded people. I mean really these people could set the country back 30 years. I had someone tell me that if gays are allowed to marry and pot is legalized the country was surly going under. WHAT??!!

Are you fucking kidding me? One I will address the drugs. If you do the research and yes I wrote a college paper on it, so I have done the research, if marijuana was legalized in California and taxed at the same rate of alcohol the state could take in 3.2 billion (yes boys and girls BILLION with a B) dollars in the first year. Not to mention the profit from sales. It costs the average producer $1.07 to produce 1 pound of weed that will sell for close to $2000. That is a pretty good income if I do say so. Then add in the other products able to be made like paper, clothing, bio-fuel, and countless other products that all can be sold and save the trees (that’s for my tree hugging friends).

Come on people come out of the fog the government has led you into. Weed is not the all great gateway drug that Mrs Collins your 3rd grade science teacher led you to believe. The fact is when you make it a crime to possess something and people have to go to seedy places to get it, then they are led to do other seedy things while there. Sound familiar, when they made alcohol illegal in the 30’s and the only place to get it was in the bad part of town where, get this bad things happen. Stop making it a bad thing and the bad people are run out of business. I don’t know when you last bought your moonshine from the back ally down town was but I get my beer from the Wal-Mart.

Next the gay marriage issue.

First take the whole religion argument out I care nothing about the all-knowing little Christian book of folk-lore. Sodom and Gomorrah was a great story but just that a story when you get me hard facts call.

The fact is that people deserve the rights that every military member and our fore fathers fought so hard for. I will admit i was not always the most open-minded guy it has taken more than one kick in the ass from my beautiful bride but I am getting there. Look the fact is that people are going to love who they want to if it is a guy loving another guy so be it I am happy they have found each other and can be happy. It is not mine nor is it anyone else’s business if that is who they want to be with. Let them be legally married so they can enjoy things like insurance and having the rights to all the other stuff marriage gives you rights to.

The rights like every thing that is mine is my wife’s and everything that is hers is hers.

Being gay should not exclude you from being happy. If you don’t like it and you say that your God is against it then why did your God make them that way. Oh imagine that they are born gay not just deciding to be persecuted by a bunch of close minded ass holes. Do you think that a bunch of people just said “Hey you know it will be fun to be hated in the 1950’s let’s all be black” NO so stop believing that this is a choice that these people had and get over yourselves. It is 2010 people time to wake up and see the world with new eyes or watch it burn in all your hate.

You know that guy that made that comment way up toward the start of this rant might be right this country might just go to shit but not because of the gays and pot heads bu because of the ignorant backward thinking of people who can’t just let people be people and everyone have a toke.

Waiting for his legal toke,


Stupid Questions

Posted: March 3, 2010 in Stupid Questions

Yes, believe it or not there are stupid questions. Sorry to blow your 2nd grade teacher’s whole philosophy on life, but not every question is going to keep you from being looked at like a total dumb ass and get a smart ass answer.

The questions that I am talking about are the ones much like I received today. I got asked if we could close up a task that was being done while I was clearly in the middle of it. Further more this inquisitive little brain child has been doing the same job for the last 3 years in the same place on the same equipment. Really, really you expect me not to be an ass to you when you ask such udder stupidity. Look if you don’t know your job after 3 years of doing it then it is time to quit and find something easier like ditch digging.

I should not be required to hold your hand and lead you through life I am not your mother. If I was your mother I would have made that hard choice that Tim Tebow’s mother didn’t.

Till next time,

It’s a GAME!!

Posted: February 28, 2010 in Facebook
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Really people the next time I see someone bitch about how their barn didn’t get raised with help or that they are pissed because their cafe doesn’t have friends, I am going to find a way to reach through this screen and bitch slap that person.  It’s a fucking game on Facebook people, not the business you started 20 years ago and need it to put food on the table.  If you want to bitch do it about something that matters like the fact that the government feels it’s necessary to spend all your hard-earned money on the salary of some over-stuffed Senator that is probably on Facebook bitching about his mob instead of doing his job.

Now excuse me, I must get back to my farm because the goats need feeding.


There’s a reason

Posted: February 25, 2010 in News
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I saw in the news today that a trainer at Sea World was killed by a killer whale. He was a bull whale that had been known to attack before. Well maybe you shouldn’t take creatures out of their natural habitat for your own flipping amusement.

I don’t feel bad for the trainer that was killed by the KILLER whale. Really it’s called a killer whale not the fuzzy bunny ride me whale. What did you expect? You stick me in a room 10 sizes too small for 30 years and at some point I would snap.

Just a Start

Posted: February 25, 2010 in Blogging

At one time I was a person not unlike many that thought the blogging epidemic had got out of control. Well here I am adding to the nonsense. And truly that is what most of this is. Me sitting here typing a message into the void of the net, but you know whether someone is reading this or not it feels kind of freeing to just put my thoughts out there.

A little about me first. I am no one special I live a simple life with a beautiful intelligent wife that by the way can blog about anything and make it sound good, a son that presents his own challenges, and a daughter that lives a state and a half away and I feel slipping away more everyday. I have no great knowledge, I have a 3 college degrees in mostly stuff that only the government wants, and I really don’t have the answers to the world (even though my bride believes I do).

I will write in here when I get the whelm and probably will offend someone. If I do feel free to tell me your view point so I can make fun of you at a later date. No I will consider all other view points, may not agree, but will consider.

Well that is enough about me to start I will post soon I am sure, my wife is my biggest pusher to write in this, so I will try.

Till then, JT


Posted: February 24, 2010 in School

Alright so I know plenty of people out there will understand where I am coming from.  I have a college class that is simply useless to me, yes I know why am I taking this class, well let me tell you.  To get qualified as a full time student so I can get paid I have to take 2 classes.  I need 1 class to graduate, after 14 yrs I get to graduate.  Any way this class I am taking is the filler class.

The instructor is not what I would call highly knowledgeable in the subject and he’s not interesting at all, I really mean at all, I have seen grass growing be more interesting.  I have 2 days of this class and then it is done.  I could fail this class and still graduate, so needless to say I am done.  I work 9 hours and then go to class for another 5 hours twice a week and I am done.

I will tough it out though and get this done.  14 years is a lot of years to be going to class it’s time to be done.

Till we meet again-JT